What You'll Find On This Site
Festival Information
Austin is home to nearly 100 unique festivals ranging from internationally recognized music and film festivals to local favorites. Find them all in one place here.
Venue Information
Austin has countless performance venues where you can enjoy live music, films, theatre, comedy, improv, and other shows. Also included in this list are Austin’s renowned museums and exhibition spaces for visual and other kinds of art.
Central Texas Parks Information
Our Central Texas Parks Access Guide is a searchable database of state and local parks in Travis, Bastrop and Caldwell Counties. More than ever, we need outdoor spaces to social distance safely and enjoy the health benefits of spending time out in nature.
ADA Toolkit
Learn nationwide accessibility standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and explore resources for making your venue inclusive and accessible to everyone.
About ATXgo!
ATXgo! is a resource for people with disabilities interested in visiting Austin and enjoying the diverse cultural activities the city offers, from festivals and museums to a multitude of music and performing venues. On this site you will find a list of these popular destinations and events along with contact information, so you can inquire about accessibility and plan your trip before you leave. Please note that we are currently expanding this site to include specific notes on the accessibility features of each venue, so you may want to check back for updates. For best accessibility practices, please see our ADA Toolkit or contact us to find out how to make your venue as accessible as possible.
COVID-19 update
Due to recent venue opening/closings and festival cancelations, we recommend contacting the venue directly for the most up-to-date information.

Although the information contained in ATXgo! was believed to be correct at the time of publication, neither Art Spark Texas nor any of its officers, directors, employees or members shall be held responsible or liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions nor for information that changes or becomes outdated over time. We advise you to call ahead to confirm the information contained in ATXgo!
Art Spark Texas makes no endorsement or warranties regarding any facilities, goods or services listed in this guide. The access features reported are not intended to reflect compliance with any local, state or federal laws, regulations or guidelines.